Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hope is starting to float

Smooth seas don't make skillful sailors. Lord, teach me as I am able to learn so that I may grow from my difficulties and become the person You intended.

Ok, I'm now starting to build up on Hope again and the TTC obsession is beginning all over. Have I been here before? Do I want to go here again? I have to tell my story to another doctor all over again.
I just went to my "yearly" and my nurse recommend that we get the ball rolling again. My OB had moved and I will need to see a new Dr.
The office that I had been going to for years now is getting more specialized in infertility, gosh wonder why?
I really do like all of the staff there, the receptionist both in front and check out are very nice and they have been there for years, which these days it is really hard to find anyplace that has a familiar face when you go in each time.
So anyway, I set up an appointment to see a new Dr., I have to go get some blood work done, and a few days before my appointment I need to have an ultrasound done, oh how I love to drink a truck full of water, drive to the office, sit in a waiting room, and then have someone push on my belly. I can't wait!
Rewind to before the appointment I was in the waiting lounge, which is a very beautiful and relaxing office. I came across the conceive magazine, which I have seen before and had one copy and I had forgotten all about this magazine until now. I started flipping through it and there is a lot of new do it yourself at home technology, since we were "seriously" ttc. There is conception kit, little microscopes to look at the sperm, ovulation monitors-which are really diff rent than the ones I had seen, and many more helpers. So I have been no use at work this afternoon, I have been researching, just when I think that I have seen it all, and also went to the Conceive magazine website (which I have linked to the side bar to the right).
So right now in plans are to start eating healthier, start consuming the proper vitamins for both Papa and I, and being more active. We are going to still have in our plans to go to ivfvacation. I have a very minimal maximum for infertility on my health insurance and I want to maximize that by getting Papa a semen analysis, I need to get a lapo done, and get the work ups like the blood works and ultrasounds, and maybe have enough left to do a couple rounds with clomid?
I actually feel good about this, I know a big part of it is that I have given ALL to God, we will do our parts. I really believe that is why I do not feel stressed and that really does take a lot, I know over the years I have lost hope and honestly I will say that I did lose some faith. But now more than ever I have all my faith and the hope is starting to rise.

Baby Girl's Sweet 16
Last night I filled out about 45 invites by hand, and stuffed with directions, licked, put return labels, and a stamp on. This morning they were off to there invitees and Baby Girl took some to school to pass out.
So I have a list of things to do these next few weeks to get prepared. She wants a taco bar which as part of her Birthday post in 21 days I will tell you about a very cute story of her and her love of Mexican food. Don't let me forget- I'll put it on my list....
Speaking of list, I have so many of them-Grocery, honey-do for Papa, Baby girl party, my honey-do, my wish list for ttc, long term goal list, budget list, dinner list, new years resolution list (which I really do not like calling it that, I like calling it life altering list) and lists at work. I used to think my grandmother was goofy for having sticky notes all over the house, now I'm following in her foot steps.


Lisa said...

When I was TTC with Cameron I browsed through the Conceive magazine and liked it an awful lot. Good luck with your u/s...gotta love having to drink all that water, pee and have them push on your belly. Makes for an interesting appt trying to hold it in without peeing on the exam table (lol).

Stacey said...

I have never heard of the Conceive magazine before, it sounds really interesting. It is definitely one of the sites that I am gong to have to check out too. There is so much new technology. It is kind hard to believe that there is a "do it yourself kit" for home though. Oh well, we have do it yourself kits for everything else, why not this too! (lol)
Good luck with your appointmenent. I know what you have to go through and all I have to say is ugh. :) Thanks be to God for your renewed faith. Sometimes I too know what it is like to lose faith, but thankfully God never abandons us.
Hugs and blessings,
Stacey :)