Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Our Journey

We have decided that we are going to start planning to go through another round of IVF in the summer of 2009.
We are going to go through a progam called IVF vacation. With Craig and Marcela Fite. They have also went through infertility and had a succesful IVF and had two beautiful twin girls.
I have set up an appointment with my Dr. in Jaunuary to get "the ducks" in a row.

I am very excited and optamistic about this journey.
My grandmother immigrated from Czech Republic when she was 13, so this we be a neat place to tour. We had always had this on a list of places I'd like to see. What a blessing it would be to concieve there too.
We are also planning on having baby girl go too, she has been a big part of this journey with us and it would be such a blessing to have her there too.


Lisa said...

Ok, that is so strange because just last night I was reading the nightly news on CNN and saw a video about this place and even did a post about - I read up on this and it sounds like there are lots of success stories and if you could be one of them then you should go for it!! Can't wait for you and I am sure you are quite anxious. Wishing and hoping the best for you.