When we hand over what we can't handle to the One who can, miracles happen. Keep me free of stress, Lord, and in the best possible place to receive Your help.
We have had in our "original" plans to do IVF through ivfvacation however with all of my planning and figuring I don't think we are going to be able to go that route. I will need to take time off work but I don't think that will be too big of a problem. We wanted Baby Girl to go with us and that is where the extra money is going to come in with the airfare and we will need to find housesitters for our furry babies.
Latley I have really been struggling with my weight since we have moved and do not have our farm anymore I am not as active and I have gained about 15 maybe even 20 pounds and in 6 months that is bad, not to mention I already was overweight. Many times it does not bother me to be over weight because I was active and I didnt (and still dont) care what others think of me. But this is getting to me because when I do the smallest things I get out of breath and I'm tired a lot. Ok, enough about whining about my wt!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Always on my mind...
Posted by FlyAway at 12:43 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
After further investigating (upon myself), these are some of the facts that I have come across.
There are many subjects that President Obama is considering all of our opinions which I think is wonderful, so like voting take advantage of it and let him know where you stand.
Thanks for taking the time to look at this.
Anyone who produces or sells any of the following new or used items will be required to comply with the law: toys, books, clothing, art, educational supplies, materials for the learning disabled, bicycles, and more. Any uncertified item intended for children under the age of 12 will be considered contraband after February 10, 2009. It will be illegal to sell or give these items away to charities, and the government will require their destruction or permanent disposal, resulting in millions of tons of unnecessary waste, and placing an enormous strain on our landfills.
The top votes will be presented to President Obama and we have a chance they will change this.Vote now and please tell everyone you know to vote!
Please vote now http://www.change.org/ideas/view/save_handmade_toys_from_the_cpsia
~~Write to your represenatives~~
Etsy made a drafted letter for our convience to add our info, print and send and let our represenatives know. go here to help http://www.etsy.com/storque/craftivism/handmade-childrens-items-unintended-consequences-consumer-pr-3056/
More information from Etsy.com~~ (who is a great resource to learn all about this)
Etsy's Blog http://blog.buyhandmade.org/
Keep spreading the word, it is truely sad that many of the crafters are stay at home mom's who care a great deal about everything that their children do including the clothes that they wear.
Posted by FlyAway at 10:09 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Please pass the word!
I was just made aware of this and I am posting for all of my fellow bloggers to read about this and pass along.
I was browsing etsy.com which is a wonderful site to purchase all handmade chemical free, and safe toys and clothing for children and also other crafts. I just noticed this and have been reading about this and I will look into more and more and post and share with others. Please don't pass this by and share with every one!
Posted by FlyAway at 1:48 PM 2 comments
Home sweet Home
Home should be the happiest place to be. Fill it with love, laughter and good conversation. Lord, give us Your peace and teach us to share it.
How true, I love my home I love it so much that I don't want to leave. I am a certified home-body, too much that I have become lazy.
We had lost our home this past summer (2008), and are now in a small mobile home. We have always been the type of family that "Home is where the Heart is".
Posted by FlyAway at 12:28 PM 2 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
Let God
Don't worry about tomorrow because God is already taking care of it. Lord, help me set aside needless worry and anxiety so that I have time to do all that I need to do today.
Just when I start to get overwhelmed by my thoughts, I looked up my daily inspiration and this is what I came across.
We went visiting with friends this weekend, one set of friends of ours has kids Baby Girls age (and one of their daughters has a baby). And Girl friend said I'm so glad we (meaning her and her dh) did not go through and have a baby, this baby stuff is for the birds-puking, diaper changing, up in the middle of the night, and in the next 8 years we will be kid free. That was my thinking about a year ago I think I was trying to psyc. myself or just get myself in the mind set of not having anymore kids. So hearing that put my wheel turning again.
Thinking that maybe I shouldn't get back on the baby train again, am I going to set myself up for heart break again? but I never give up, why give up now? especially when I feel so good about this? just one more time, when is my last-one more time?
Is this life I have right now what is meant to be and I need to roll with it? Not that I'm complaining at all. The visions were just getting cloudy again. I prayed and prayed and I'm trying so hard not to get obsessed with this again that I stress out. Then I read my devotional today. ~~~EXHALE~~~
Just take one day at a time, one step at a time. And if it happens and if it's part of God's plan it will be, if not I will have to accept it and roll with it.
I can honestly say that all of our years TTC this is the most relaxed and at peace I have been, I know a big part of it is I pray about it, blog, then pray again and let go, let God.
Baby Kenny is doing wonderful, he is actually breathing 40% on his own, taking mamas milk. Thanks again so much for all your prayers!
Posted by FlyAway at 11:00 AM 3 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
Baby Kenny
Power prayers are working! Baby Kenny is doing great he is hanging in there quite well. Just a stat. he was born weighing 2#2oz and at that gestation is a good wt for him.
Thanks to all for your prayers!
Posted by FlyAway at 5:46 AM 3 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Always loved, never forgotten, forever missed
We have many doors, but it is our choice which one to open. Lord, bless me with the wisdom to make the best of my daily life.

Posted by FlyAway at 1:25 PM 1 comments